steps of Local Keyword Research for local businesses

Local SEO Activity

Here, you will learn, how may you get ranking in Google SERP for your local business and which activities you will have to do.

Local Keyword Research

It is the process of finding keywords when people look for local products or services.
It is very important for understanding what kind of words related to our products and services people type in search engines.

The interesting thing is we don’t need to do keyword research for local occupation in most cases unlike a blog.
Here are some way/steps to find keywords:

1 Random Words

First of all, you should prepare a list of random words that can be possible by following these ideas.

Prepare industry related keywords: For example, IT service company in Chicago, web development company in Chicago, complete data service etc.

Use Keyword Modifiers: (Best,Top, Buy, Cheap, Where, How) For example, Best WordPress designing company in Chicago.

Keywords + Location: Use location with keywords.

2 Google Suggest

When you type something in Google Search Bar, you get a list of suggestions. See below example.

google suggesting local keywords below search bar

3 Yelp Suggest

It also works as Google suggest. When you type something, It shows a list of additional keywords that someone in your area might use to find your business. The interesting thing is, sometimes it shows extra keywords that we didn’t type.

4 The Google Keyword Planner

Basically It is used for GoogleAds but we can discover new keyword ideas related to your business or services by choosing a particular geolocation.

Google Keyword Planner for keyword ideas

Here you can use the “Start With a Website” feature for new keywords. Just put a competitor’s website.

5 Google Voice Searches

Google Voice Searches for finding local buz

The interesting thing about this is, there aren’t any tools to help you find voice search keywords. But you should keep in mind because according to research, 20% of all Google searches are voice searches.
Remember, Voice searches may be longer like “free demo class for math in Baltimore”.

After doing KR, you need to work on…

Important Local SEO Ranking Factors

There is not any exact ranking formula for Local SEO but we should consider some points.

Google Business Profile(GBP): Earlier it was known as Google My Business (GMB) and It’s a free tool that was created by Google. The best platform for showing all about your business and location where a customer can visit is this. So it’s crucial for improving your business ranking.

Citations: Online directories and citations are today’s equivalent of the old fashion Yellow Pages. Searchers use directories and citations to find products and services and their contact details. To confirm necessary information about a business, search engines use citations.

Backlinks: In order to increase authority for a local business, Backlinks are a crucial part. We all know getting good backlinks is difficult, but remember quality is more important than quantity. Make relevant and natural backlinks.

On-Page: As I have already mentioned in previous lesson and Google also confirmed that your rankings in the organic SERPs impact your local rankings, that means if you rank higher in the organic results, the higher chance you’ll rank in The Map Pack.

Doing SEO is Google's suggestion for getting higher ranking

Local Content: Publishing content that is relevant to your local community can significantly improve your local search rankings. So, Local content can significantly raise a website’s position in local search results because search engines aim to deliver outstanding value to visitors.

Online Reviews: It works as goodwill of your business. Before making a purchase, almost all customers always read the present information of your business. That time positive reviews help to show how much your business is trustworthy, reliable, and legitimate.
Apart from this, the total number, frequency, diversity, and quality of reviews with star rating will also contribute to local search ranking factors.

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