Algorithms and Its Usage

Basic Details About Algorithms for Beginners!

It is a procedure used for solving a problem. It follows fixed instructions step by step and is made in the programming language.

We will understand about it by an example. If I want to send a text message to someone, I have to follow some steps.
First of all, I have to open a message app.
Second, type a message and
Finally, I have to send a message.
In this whole process, I can’t miss any steps and jump steps of sending a message.

Characteristics of Algorithms and Its Usage?

Finitness: A good algorithm has a limited number of instructions or minimum.
Precisely Defined: Every step of an algorithm is clearly defined.
Input: An algorithm needs some input values and can be given a value other than 0 as input.
Output: At the end of an algorithm, it always gives one or more outcomes.
Effectiveness: It should always be problem solving.
Unambiguous: It should be clear and correct.

It is used at various platforms.

  • For solving mathematical problems.
  • By Facebook
  • Google Maps
  • Computer Scientist and Engineers
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Space Research
  • Programming.

Apart from these, there are some benefits of it.

1 Easy to understand
2 It’s not dependent on any programming language.
3 Every step in an Algo has its own logical sequence, so it’s easy to debug.
4 It’s easier for programmers to convert it into an actual program.

Do you Know Why is Google Search Engine Most Popular?

The answer is due to its amazing algorithms. Google has many Algos but there are some popular Algorithms.

Panda: It was Introduced in 2011 and is made to lower the rank of ‘Thin-Content’ or ‘Low-Quality-Content’ of a site.

Penguin: It was launched in 2012 for finding unnatural backlinks and to decline the rank.

Hummingbird: In 2013, It was made to stop overstuffing keywords or check keyword density.

Rankbrain: The goal of making this algo was to provide the best search result to the users.

Page Experience Update: It was introduced in 2021. It is a set of signals that measure how users perceive(realize) the experience of interacting with a web page.

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